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The Miracle Morning Review & Summary

Writer's picture: Be More BooksBe More Books

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Rating: Good

The Miracle Morning blurb excerpt: What if you could wake up tomorrow and any - or EVERY - area of your life was beginning to transform? What would you change? The Miracle Morning is already transforming lives by showing people how to wake up each day with more ENERGY, MOTIVATION, and FOCUS to take your life to the next level. It's been right here in front of us all along, but this book has finally brought it to life.

My opinion: This is an incredibly long book relative to the takeaways, which could be summarised in a paragraph or two. However, the simplicity and power of the miracle morning routine resonated with me. From what I have read previously it is well-rounded, requires minimal time, is an addition to your routine, not subtraction, and does work. The book was average, the concept is great, and for that reason my rating is good.

The Miracle Morning Cover

Lessons from The Miracle Morning:

How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days. This inevitably creates a successful life. In the same way, an unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre morning routine generates unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre days. By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible.

3 imperative arguments of the book:

  1. You are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating and sustaining extraordinary health, wealth, happiness, love, and success in your life as any other person on earth.

  2. It is absolutely crucial not only for the quality of your life but for the impact that you make on your family, friends, clients, co-workers, community, and children that you start living in alignment with that truth.

  3. In order for you to stop settling for less than you deserve in any area of your life and to create the levels of personal, professional, and financial success you desire you must first dedicate time each day to becoming the person you need to be. Someone who is qualified and capable of consistently attracting, creating and sustaining the levels of success you want.

Benefits from the miracle morning:

  1. Wake up each day with more energy.

  2. Feeling excited and empowered with the tools to fulfill your potential.

  3. Lower stress levels.

  4. Quickly overcome any challenges, adversity, or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

  5. Improve your overall health, lose weight if desired, and get in the best physical shape of your life.

  6. Increase your productivity and enhance your ability to maintain a laser focus on top priorities.

  7. Experience more gratitude and less worry.

  8. Significantly increase your ability to earn and attract more monetary wealth.

  9. Uncover your life's purpose.

  10. Stop settling for less than you desire and deserve.

3 simple steps to rise above mediocrity and join the 5%:

  1. Acknowledge the 95% reality check. 95% of society will never create and live the life they want.

  2. Identify the causes of mediocrity so you can prevent it from happening to you.

  3. Draw your line in the sand and make a decision on what you are going to start doing differently.

Causes of mediocrity:

  • Rearview mirror syndrome.

  • Lack of purpose.

  • Isolating incidents – each thought, choice, and action are not isolated.

  • Lack of accountability.

  • A mediocre circle of influence.

  • Lack of personal development.

  • A lack of urgency.

5 keys to waking up without hitting the snooze button:

  1. Set your intentions before you go to bed.

  2. Move your alarm clock out of bed – Motion creates energy.

  3. Brush your teeth and wash your face immediately.

  4. Drink a full glass of water.

  5. Get dressed or jump into a shower.

6 practices guaranteed to save you from a life in which we don’t live up to our potential:


  1. Silence – 5 minutes

  2. Affirmations – 5 minutes

  3. Visualisation – 5 minutes

  4. Exercise – 20 minutes

  5. Reading – 20 minutes

  6. Scribing – 5 minutes

6-minute miracle morning:

1 minute: Sit in purposeful silence.

1 minute: Read your affirmations.

1 minute: Close your eyes and visualize your successes for the day.

1 minute: Write down what you are grateful for.

1 minute: Read one page of a book and discover 1 new thing.

1 minute: Move your body.

If you can, withhold from eating before or during your miracle morning. This way blood is diverted to the brain, not to the digestion of your recent meal. If you are going to eat keep it light.

Creating new habits will take 30 days. This is typically broken down into 3 x 10-day blocks.

1 – 10: Unbearable

11 – 20: Uncomfortable

21 – 30: Unstoppable

Silence: 5 ideas for the practice of silence.

  1. Sit on the edge of your bed and give thanks for the day that’s about to begin.

  2. If you’re religious, say a prayer.

  3. Follow along with a meditation app.

  4. Try conscious breathing exercises.

  5. Slowly move your awareness through your body practicing gratitude for everything that body part does for you.

Affirmations: 5 simple steps to create your own affirmations:

  1. State what you really want. The purpose of a written affirmation is to program your mind with the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors, and habits that are vital to you being able to attract, create and sustain your ideal levels of success. Organize them by the areas that you most want to improve on.

  2. State why you want it.

  3. State whom you are committed to being in order to achieve it.

  4. State what you are committed to doing in order to attain it.

  5. Add inspiration quotes and philosophies.

Visualizing: is simply picturing and feeling yourself achieving your goals. Here are 3 steps to visualization.

  1. Prepare. sit tall, breathe deeply, close your eyes and open your mind.

  2. Visualize what you really want by involving all of your senses to maximize its effectiveness.

  3. Visualize who you need to be and what you need to do – make sure you see yourself enjoying the process.

Exercise: 5 ideas for exercise:

  1. Yoga.

  2. Trampoline work.

  3. Suspension training.

  4. Tabata.

  5. HIIT.

Reading: 4 ideas for reading:

  1. Read a personal development book.

  2. Read from scripture.

  3. Read inspirational quotes.

  4. Re-read your journals (Scribes from below)

Scribing: 4 ideas for scribing:

  • Answer a question daily - "What are your goals for the day", "What are you grateful for", "How will you be better today than you were yesterday"

  • Think of a challenge you’re having and brainstorm ideas on how to overcome it.

  • Create a mind map for the day.

  • Journal.

The Miracle Morning Best Quotes:
  • “Wherever you are in your life is both temporary and exactly where you are supposed to be”

  • “Focussed, productive and successful mornings lead to focussed, productive and successful days”

  • “How you spend the first hour of the day is the key to unlocking your full potential”

  • “To make profound changes in your life you need inspiration or desperation”

  • “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is the result of the person you become”

  • “If you want your life to be different, you have to be willing to do something different first”

  • “Where you are is a result of who you have been, but where you go depends entirely on who you become”

  • “Discipline affects reality”

  • “You have to get up every morning with determination if you are to go to bed with satisfaction”

  • “You can learn more in an hour of purposeful silence than you can from reading all the books in your library”

  • “Meditation can be more effective than medication”

  • “Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life.”

What Next:

If you are interested in this book, you may want to check out our list of Personal Development Book Reviews.

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